Both the Prez and the hunky VP Dem nominee are scheduled to be in NM this week, as the swing state battle heats up. SFR will have stories this week on both the battle for the state's political soul (yes, hyperbole, it's actually a story about The Republican Mandate in NM), as well as the flock of blue and reds coming to NM to work for their candidates, now that they've given up on their own states. Hmm. Meanwhile, we have been flooded with letters regarding our interview with Carol Miller on Ralph Nader, as well as Duncan North's column denouncing Miller and Nader. Meanwhile, a new group called Progressives Against Nader (same old folks, new name) also have signed a petition against Nader appearing on New Mexico's ballot. And another group will be taking out anti-Nader ads on New Mexico TV and in local publications.
Anyway, here's a copy of Progressives Against Nader letter for anyone who is interested:
To: All New Mexicans
From: Progressives for Kerry
Re: Nader petition drive in New Mexico
Date: Friday, August 20, 2004
We are writing to you, all New Mexicans who share our progressive ideals, urging you to reject the petition to put Ralph Nader on the ballot as an Independent candidate for president.
In the past several decades, Ralph Nader has been a determined advocate for consumers and a pioneer for progressive causes. Unfortunately, his current presidential campaign has done little to advance progressive policies and has instead been hijacked by ardent Republicans in an effort to re-elect George W. Bush. Nader’s campaign has become a critical component of the radical Republican right’s efforts to circumvent the electoral process and keep Bush in office. In order to protect and advance progressive causes, and to ensure that our electoral system is not manipulated, there are some facts that all voters should know about Nader’s candidacy.
Nader’s campaign hired an out-of-state firm, JSM, which has deceptively pitched for signatures, failing to inform New Mexicans about their true purpose. The firm also has deep ties to Republicans and right-wing causes and is being investigated for violating the law. Certainly, if a candidate abides by the rules, he or she should be able to appear on the ballot. However, some of the Nader campaign’s tactics in New Mexico and in other states across the country bring its legitimacy into question.
Second, Republicans understand that George W. Bush has no accomplishments to tout and no vision for the future. Thus, to succeed, they must continue to defame John Kerry, attacking his lifetime of service to country, to divide Democrats and progressives alike with wedge issues, and now to leverage Nader’s candidacy to peel off enough independent and Green votes to thwart a Kerry presidency.
John Kerry has been a champion for progressive causes. He has an unparalleled record on protecting the environment, scoring a 96% approval rating from the League of Conservation Voters. Kerry understands how America’s middle class is getting squeezed – working harder, making less, and paying more for health care and prescription drugs, child care, and college tuition. Kerry knows that America can do better and he will take on the big HMOs and pharmaceutical companies to stem the rising costs of health care, and rein in corporate misconduct. He has a comprehensive energy policy that will end America’s dependence on Middle East oil. Finally, he will continue to fight to protect our freedoms, including a woman’s right to choose.
Attached are more facts about the Nader campaign’s petition drive -- facts that should give all New Mexicans pause before they support an effort to spoil our hopes of ending the Bush presidency and winning America back from the far right and big corporate interests. We urge you not to sign any Nader petitions.
Former U.S. Senator
City Councilor, Albuquerque
City Councilor, Albuquerque
City Councilor, Albuquerque
City Councilor, Espanola
Fmr. Candidate, Democratic Nomination, New Mexico’s 1st Congressional District
Wilderness Activist
Land Grant Activist
Advocate for Choice
Equal Rights Activist
Environmental Activist
New Mexico State Senator
New Mexico State Senator
New Mexico State Senator
Candidate, New Mexico State Senate
Candidate, New Mexico State Senate
New Mexico State Representative, Majority Leader
New Mexico State Representative
New Mexico State Representative
New Mexico State Representative
Fmr. New Mexico State Representative
∑ The New Mexico Secretary of State’s office called the paid signature gathering effort "highly unusual" noting, "this has never been an issue before. Usually candidates and parties do their own collection."
∑ Nader has employed a marketing firm, JSM, that "is under investigation in West Virginia for its signature gathering practices on Nader’s behalf and was found in Arizona to have illegally used a convicted felon to collect signatures. Two of its employees were arrested in Florida for faking signatures on state constitutional amendment petitions." The American Prospect uncovered that in its effort to get on the ballot in Arizona, "the Nader campaign hired a petition company (JSM) that is also gathering signatures for a draconian anti-immigrant initiative pushed by right-wing elements in the state."
∑ When one University of New Mexico student freely expressed her concerns about the suspicious petition activities, a spokesperson for JSM threatened a lawsuit.
Republicans are actively supporting Nader
Across the country, news reports highlight Republican efforts to prop up Nader. In New Mexico, State Senator Rod Adair (R-Roswell) forwarded Nader petitions to 24,000 people urging his Republican supporters to sign. In New Hampshire, a signature gatherer was given a script that read: 1) Approach: ‘Excuse me sir/miss etc. I was wondering if you could take a second to help President Bush?’ 2) Follow through: ‘I am collecting signatures to get Ralph Nader on the ballot.’ 3) Persuasion: ‘In 2000 Nader got almost 30,000 votes — without his presence Al Gore would be president today.’"
Nader receiving large contributions from Republicans
"Nearly one in 10 of Nader's major donors -- those writing checks of $1,000 or more -- have given in recent months to the Bush-Cheney campaign, the latest documents show. GOP fund-raisers also have "bundled" contributions -- gathering hefty donations for maximum effect to help Nader, who has criticized the practice in the past."
Republicans are funneling money to Nader’s signature gathering firm
"Steve Wark, a Republican campaign consultant and former state party executive director, said he raised $30,000 -- from friends and Republicans like the state party chairwoman -- to pay for the signature-gathering effort for Nader… Wark agrees that JSM (the firm hired by Nader) circulated the petitions, but he said the money he collected went to Choices for America, which then passed it on to JSM." The head of JSM advised him directly to "send money to Choices for America," an obvious attempt at hiding the money trail.