a wrinkle in time
Madeleine L'Engle died.. Wrinkle in Time was one of the first books I really LOVED as a child. And then I went on to read, I believe, every single thing she ever wrote. Multiple times. Some years back, I read a New Yorker profile of her, somewhat reluctantly as I considered my love of L'engle's work one of those things I'd prefer to not have disrupted by one of those disillusioning pieces of journalism. Anyway, as suspected, the article revealed L'Engle, whose work was filled with lots of imagination, compassion etc., to have a personal life akin to the more extreme borderline personalities I've known. But at least she wrote some great books in between making everyone in her life miserable. Goodbye Madeleine L'Engle. Thank you!
ps: And yet JD Salinger lives on. What is he? 107?
ps: And yet JD Salinger lives on. What is he? 107?
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