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Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Curfew Postponed—thanks to the kids

A controversial proposal to close city parks at sundown has been postponed for four months.
At tonight's City Council meeting, the Council agreed to hold off and, in the interim, "initiate a police blitz to enforce the existing curfew," which is at 10 pm. A statement issued by Councilor Ronald Trujillo, one of the proposal's cosponsors, also says there will be gates ordered to close off parking lots after hours at Franklin Miles and Herb Martinez parks, which have been identified as problem parks. "Safe and beautiful parks are a measure of the quality of life of our community," the statement reads. "We will continue to reevaluate the issue to ensure the quality of life for our kids and families." The statement also notes that as the city continues to hire new police officers, "we feel confident that...we can be more proactive instead of reactive to issues like this."
Trujillo came out to the front of city hall and talked and took questions from the dozens of youth who had gathered to protest the curfew. He acknowledged and thanked them for speaking out.