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Friday, December 15, 2006

the end is near

Man, this has been some week. A huge double issue paper, produced on top of some kind of illness that I have finally come to realize is the same sick I get every year this time of year. So, as a point of honor, I am not going to write some boring post about not feeling well. Ha!
Tonight, after work, I'm going to swing by a few gallery openings, cough on some artists and then go home. If you're looking for something to do, I would suggest the AD Collective Holiday Bazaar, where you can support young artists and, probably, pick up some art that is affordable now and will be worth a lot in the future. I'm just saying.
This weekend, I may, in fact, do little. I've got a week off coming at me next week and I do not intend to spend it being sick all over the place (I just initially wrote "all over the self" and then caught it).
As for our Wexford story, we've heard from a bunch of lawmakers and health care workers who recognize that all of this came about due to our reporting. I have not heard back from Trip (although several of the people we've heard from agree that the Journal's coverage of this was laughable). I do, however, find it quite amusing that there is a link to my blog about how lame the Journal's story is RIGHT NEXT TO THEIR STORY. Ah, automated technology. As for The New Mex, they are still pretending that the yanking of a huge multimillion dollars state contract isn't news. The AP also hasn't touched it, although I wrote them a note and included links to all our stories. I'm finding it all puzzling. This is clearly huge news, but papers of record are somehow deciding to ignore it because... what? Am I being paranoid to think they aren't bothering because they would have to cite us (even though the Journal did not?). Are they scrambling around trying to get something on it? Just deciding not to bother? I'm truly curious to see how it all plays out. For our part, there are certainly more Wexford/prison health stories on the way. We have quite a few letters coming in from people working in the prison thanking us for shedding light on the situation…unfortunately they don't want them printed with their names because they are afraid of being fired. We also have been receiving a lot of contributions for eavesdropper, which continues to grow in popularity (except for one person who wrote in to me and said it's not nice to eavesdrop, which is sort of true, except if people are speaking loud in public it's not really eavesdropping per se so much as just listening.
What else? Well, if you must know, I spent last night with my knitting group (we're not really a group per se, just a group of knitters) and I'm really looking forward to knitting this weekend. Particularly since knitting was supposed to take the place of holiday shopping.
And on that note, I guess I'll start shoving off. I'm coming in this weekend to work on backing up things off my harddrive onto the new external drive the paper just bought for me. Was forced to buy for me, I guess I should say. I used up my entire memory of my hardrive this week. Well, shit, that's what happens when you stay in one place for 9 years and never throw anything away.
Have a great weekend y'all.