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Monday, November 27, 2006

belly of the beast

My morning began with an email from my dad that included this photo of an elephant foetus, with the question, "have you seen this?" Not sure, exactly, why I would have seen it, but it seemed worth sharing (am also not sure when my father became the kind of person who forwards cute animal photos around, but he seems to have become such a person, which I find rather amusing).
I felt like an elephant, not a fetal one, after the AID n Comfort Gala on Saturday night. As corporate sponsors, we first went to the dinner, which was a seven course meal lasting about 2 1/2 hours. That was about six courses and two hours longer than I usually devote to a meal and afterwards I felt pretty beached. They had a great turnout, though. The boy and I wandered the Eldo for a few hours before he pronounced he felt as though "we were at a wedding for someone we didn't know." I decided five hours in stockings was 4 1/2 hours too long and we left. The only fun thing about getting dressed up is taking off your clothes when it's over, in my opinion. Friday night, we checked out Moby Dick (Mikey Baker's Zeppelin cover band) at El Paseo and then went to Alegria for its closing night (they are actually open on Dec. 8 for Public Enemy, but Friday was their farewell party. It was well attended and, as the owner said to me, if that many people had come out for the last four months, she might not be closing. I have been pondering the question that is Santa Fe's club scene for the last few days and have reached no conclusions except I will say that if this DWI crackdown is now the way things are (and, perhaps, the way things need to be) then the city should ante up and create some downtown shuttles for Friday and Saturday nights to take people home from midnight to 2 am.
OK, gonna do some work now.