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Thursday, March 30, 2006


I am trying to get a lot done today, which is resulting in my feeling very ADD and feeling that I am accomplishing nothing at the same time. The first order of business, after my brief—and I fear overly chatty—appearance on The Voice of New Mexico this morning was an attempt to clean up my office. Anyone who has ever been in my office knows it's basically OSHA Hazard meets Juvenile Delinquent, a really offputting combination of newspapers and press releases EVERYWHERE and postcards, photos and pop-culture iconography on the walls. I went through a brief period last year when I kept my office relatively clean and organized, but it faded. The truth is, I find it hard to work and keep things clean at the same time. I also kind of like the fact that you can come into my office and request just about anything (from paperclips to Vitamin C to an old Harpers from the '80s) and I will be able to find it for you. Eventually. My house is sort of the opposite, relatively spartan—EXCEPT for my office in my house, which is similarly over-run by paper. I'm not very good at throwing out anything that involves words. I always worry I'll want to look at it at some point. I guess I'm old-fashioned in that way. We have these old paper newspaper clipping files here that, were we to throw them out, we'd have ALOT more room in the office, but I always refuse. And, for what it's worth, I can find things in them that are useful. I am the only one who does so, but still.
I am waiting on Honey Harris from KBAC to come in so we can talk about further interviews leading up to the primary elections. And I'm also trying to read through Annual Manual, look at pages as they come through from the art desk, return emails and respond as people stick their heads in my office and ask me questions. And it looks like my 3:15 has arrived. Until we meet again—