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Monday, January 16, 2006

knitter please

To think of all these years I've spent in this office on Marcy Street, blissfully unaware of the yarn store just a stone's throw away. Sadly, those days are gone forever and I am becoming a slightly crazy, compulsive yarn purchaser. I like the owner, though, and she's very helpful. For example, today, when I told her I needed something to knit on the six-hour plane ride to Maui, she suggested this yarn and wrote out a pattern for me to make a shawl that will basically be a tropical shawl for me to wear. I also bought some yarn to make boy I am dating a scarf, which he has requested.
Sigh. I really feel very silly writing about knitting like this. And sillier spending money like a drunken.. sailor (a drunken sailor who knits) on yarn. Although I suppose if all I do is stay in and knit the cost of the yarn is probably not much more than I might be spending if I went out and did other stuff. Oh well, whatever, it's what I'm doing. Also, in case you were wondering, the camera on my Sidekick blows; the camera on my old phone was much better. I'd really love to buy my own digital camera, but I've spent so much money on yarn I can't really afford it. And I can't really justify "borrowing" an SFR camera to take on vacation so... I guess I'll be going the disposable route instead. But, you know, as much as I hate buying disposable things, I feel that I'm countering the disposability factor by buying organic wool. Yes, I am joking (I actually have been buying natural fiber type stuff but I don't really think it's some kind of yin/yang balancing act against the act of buying a disposable camera. I'm not that much of a Santa Fean. Or maybe I am. Thank God it's almost time to go home)