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Wednesday, October 05, 2005


I've had a few stern emails from my blog readers wondering why my blogging has been so lackluster this week. Well, I've been very busy with work.
OK, OK. I met a boy. And we've been out a few times this week and it's been a little hard to focus because it's been a MILLION years since I actually liked someone and a. I don't remember what it's like and b. apparently it makes you kind of nervous and jumpy and you can't concentrate very well. So, there, now you know. Let's never speak of it again.
Ahem. So my task today is to start what I'll refer to as The Election Files, meaning making sure I've started compiling bios and photos and phone numbers for all the various candidates for all the various upcoming elections, firstly the March 7 city elections. We have a good story today on the fact that the city has yet to form the committee that would consider various electoral reforms on the ballot in March. This is really unfortunate, I think, because it would really serve Santa Fe voters to have the option of runoff elections. Runoff elections, as you may or may not know, mean that when someone runs for office, they need to get at least 50 percent of the vote to win. Voters, when voting, choose not just one candidate, but a first, second or third choice (depending on how it's set up. There are a variety of different ways to run runoff elections and one of the criticisms is that it can be confusing and/or costly). But what this means is voters don't have to vote "politically," i.e. for the candidate they think will win, they can vote a little bit with their hearts as well. It also means that candidates don't go into office with 23 percent of the vote or some such thing, which can often happen when there are a lot of candidates in a race. I think it's really important for Santa Fe's government to get cracking on these electoral issues. Look how vibrant and interesting Albuquerque's election was. Part of that is because they had ISSUES on the ballot, not just people. And one way Santa Fe could generate, I hope, more interest in civic debate is by having electoral questions on the ballot, like runoff and campaign finance etc. I mean, granted, Albuquerque didn't have great turnout, but Santa Fe is the kind of place, I think, that if there were substantive issues on the ballot voters would weigh in. I think one of the reasons voters turn out less is that all they are voting for are candidates, and none of the candidates inspire enough energy one way or the other for people to show up.
Ahem. Speaking of candidates and politicians, I thought my interview with State Sen. John Grubesic was kind of interesting. Well, it was a very interesting interview to conduct but, obviously, quite shortened for publication. It's odd to talk to someone as candid as Grubesic tends to be about things. Well, we'll see how people react.
OK. I'm off to get organized and stay focused! Sorry for the personal disclosure that begun this entry but, hell, it's my blog and I'll blab if I want to.