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Wednesday, July 06, 2005


Ugh. I am going to cut out a bit early as the last few hours of today are, as far as I can tell, the last few hours I am not completely booked for the next several days. On the agenda: tonight's 6:30 pm meeting at the Unitarian Church to hear plans to protest the new proposed super Walmart. Interviews tomorrow and lunch with one of our owners, who is in town. Then swing by the walmart protest at city hall at 5:30 pm. Friday morning I am taping 7 Days in Santa Fe, my former public access television show that has been brought out of retirement for some reason. Then an interview with a Palestinian journalist in town for... for... um, yeah, ok, I don't remember why. I just know it's on my calendar. Friday night I have two cocktail parties to go to for... for... um, yeah, Ok, I don't remember why. Saturday night it's karaoke! Sunday it's Best of Santa Fe editing. Monday it's a phone interview with a famous movie star (can't tell you who, that would ruin the surprise). Run, run, run. But no speeding!