Just noticed I'd left phone on Do Not Disturb (DND) since Tuesday! when we were on deadline. This explains weird and serene quiet. Checked messages (mailbox was full) and returned calls. Now, must get SERIOUS and write Summer Books story which is going to be bizarre hodegepodge as none of the books I ordered arrived in time and am, instead, piecing together odd story based on what I've been reading which bears no resemblence to happy summer books reading story I intended to write. Am already at 6,000 steps today as the result of early morning walk in the 'hood. Traipsed past Ramirez Thomas Elementary School in the early hours with Jay Z playing on the headphones when I noticed school crossing guard crossing street (without looking both ways, I might add) and approaching. Paused "Dirt Off Your Shoulder," only to hear crossing guard say, "You're looking goood." Parents: walk your kids across busy intersections yourselves. Blech. Where do they find these people? OK, back to work.
Postscript: Am pleased to note was entirely grossed out by school crossing-guard's compliments and not even slightly flattered. Also, should note: was wearing old grey sweatpants, even-older David Bowie T-shirt and no makeup. On the other hand, not a lot of competition for compliments on that particular southside stretch of sidewalk.
Postscript: Am pleased to note was entirely grossed out by school crossing-guard's compliments and not even slightly flattered. Also, should note: was wearing old grey sweatpants, even-older David Bowie T-shirt and no makeup. On the other hand, not a lot of competition for compliments on that particular southside stretch of sidewalk.
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