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Thursday, April 14, 2005

water bills, downtown and the hell that is my life

Let's start with the last item.
Annual Manual. I know, bitch, bitch, moan, moan, but seriously. I am living on pizza crusts, my house is a wreck, my brain is a worse wreck. You try to put out a 200 page guide book in between editing a weekly paper. Go ahead. I dare you.
Ahem. Blogging with bitterness. Bliggering? Blittering? Something.
In the daily news. A Santa Fe couple is suing the water dept. at the City for mis-managing their water bill. I know the feeling. I've never sued the city, but I did carry around a huge manilla file for a year and a half at one point that contained copies of all my bills, cancelled checks, correspondence with the city (that appeared to have been translated to English from German since I, communications specialist, could make neither head nor tails of it).
Downtown tension between special event groups and merchants. I don't understand this at all. Yes, in the summer a fair number of booths et. al line the downtown streets. Do they really impact local merchants that badly? Are there some good numbers on this? Don't events that bring people downtown benefit downtown merchants? Or do people really eschew their shops? I will say that downtown events impact SFR's parking lot on the weekends. But you know what? If I didn't have to work every weekend I WOULDN'T MIND.
OK, back to work. Stop ranting, Julia. So tacky.